Government consultation on supplementary culling.

Once again the government is seeking to license additional supplementary culling. This year it’s planning to start this within the counties of Herefordshire, Hampshire, Wiltshire and Avon.

If you wish to have your say in the process, you only have until Friday 10 March to do so using this link 

The text of Somerset Badger Group’s response below might help to guide you.

Somerset Badger Group

Dear Defra/Natural England


Notification of an application or expression of interest for a Supplementary Badger Control Licence for the purpose of continuing to prevent the spread of bovine TB under section 10(2)(a) of the Protection of Badgers Act 1992 (in county formerly known as Avon).

We welcome the Opportunity to Comment on the above. We have as voluntary group assisted farmers and landowners in Avon to trap and vaccinate badgers against bovine TB. These vaccinations are recognised by Defra/APHA as supportive of the overall intention to reduce, and hopefully eliminate, bovine TB in cattle. The vaccinations have been funded by the farmers and landowners, and our group supported by public donations.

We seek assurance from Defra/ Natural England that suitable non-cull areas will be imposed and recognised around the sites where we have vaccinated badgers. The sites where badgers have been vaccinated provide a stable badger population (no perturbation) with a high degree of immunity. To allow these badgers to be culled at or close to the vaccinated site boundaries results in a worsening of the potential for disease spread and not the control you seek.

It is a huge investment in time and money to trap and vaccinate badgers, and at least immoral to allow them to be culled and negate the benefit badger vaccination provides to the farmers and landowners who have participated after careful consideration of the proven facts.

Would you please advise us if you intend to provide no cull areas as described above, or if not, the rationale you applied in ignoring our request.

We will of course identify the areas in question if you are minded to accept the significant benefit our efforts in badger vaccinations provides.

Yours sincerely
